2016, Kaysie

Migraines… the Root of All Evil

Migraines in Systems? I'm not even sure where to start. When a migraine takes hold, it is sort of like hell is descending down upon us. The aura starts, which is surprisingly similar to what the picture is trying to show. We get the silver, blue, and purple sparkles flickering around and the colors swerving… Continue reading Migraines… the Root of All Evil

2016, DID, Layna, Medical, sexual abuse

Medical Issues and Trauma

Seriously, is there anything more scary and frustrating? Honestly, I used to be responsible for that part of our life. And I used to handle that responsibility by skipping it. Endocrinologist for our diabetes? Sorry, busy. That shit is crazy complicated. Gynocologist?  Yeah, NO. Just not happening. Not even sorry. Pediatrist?  Nope. Not going to… Continue reading Medical Issues and Trauma