2018, DID, dissociative identity disorder, Rachel

Feeling Feelings: Allowing the Emotions

Feeling feelings is not always fun or easy. Trust me, this much I know well. It's so much easier in the short run to stuff them, ignore them, dissociate away from them. It's easier to deny the feelings and pretend we've processed them. It's something we do very well. And something that Mama never fails… Continue reading Feeling Feelings: Allowing the Emotions

2018, DID, dissociative identity disorder, Rachel, Uncategorized

Social Media: Helpful or Harmful?

We live in a social media dominated world. Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram are everywhere. Children as young as 4 understand how to work some of these social media platforms. People post some of the most intimate details of their lives, down to what they are thinking at the moment, what they ate for lunch,… Continue reading Social Media: Helpful or Harmful?