Experiencing God’s Mercy

"He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the holy spirit." Titus 3:5

There are so many times I can look back on now, and see God’s mercy and grace in our life. There are countless events that have taken place that we shouldn’t have physically survived, let alone emotionally survived. Most of these events were direct results of terribly misguided choices and the insistence of doing things our way, despite the unshakeable feeling in our gut that indicted it was the wrong choice. Many of these events and terrible choices took place even before we developed a relationship with Jesus. It’s staggering to realize that he was looking out for us even before we were seeking him.

Why? That’s the question that plagues me sometimes. Why would he come after us like that? Why would he take any time or energy on a system of girls determined to sabotage everything good in their life? Do you ever wonder why he would come after you and save you from yourself?

The answer to that is simple to hear and almost impossible to internalize and understand. Unlike us, his creations, he has pure and unconditional love. He leaves the 99 to save the 1. He breathes life into dry bones. He saves us from Goliath. It’s who he is and it all stems from love. His love for us is never dependent on what we do, how we do it, or what path we take. It’s not like human love, with conditions and bias mixed in. It’s simple and pure unconditional love.

Life presents us choices all the time. We aren’t going to make the correct one every single time. If you’re like us, you won’t make the correct one 30% of the time. Jesus will still be there, patiently guiding us back to the path meant for us. This doesn’t mean we won’t struggle. This just means that we won’t struggle alone.

A caveat to leaning into Jesus’ love is remembering that we are designed to do life in community. Leaning on our own understanding, on just our family at home, on just one friend, isn’t enough to help us thrive in life. We have to build a community, take risks and trust others, share our goals and be accountable to those goals.

One step at a time we will do this together.

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