Changing the Narrative: Grow Your Authentic Self

Be authentic, be you. Being authentic is something that we hear about all the time now. Be your authentic self. People who matter don't mind and people who mind don't matter. We've all heard sayings like these before, and will continue to for a long time coming. It sounds nice, but how many of us… Continue reading Changing the Narrative: Grow Your Authentic Self


When Mother’s Day Hurts

Mother's Day. The day when Facebook feeds are full of sweet sentiments directed towards mothers. The day when Instagram is flooded with Mother's Day wishes. The day when text messages are sent in mass proportions honoring mothers. The day when some of us feel the need to hide under a rock. Jesus knows some of… Continue reading When Mother’s Day Hurts


Pray Away Depression?

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Wait, what? Does this actually work? As a Christian we often hear from misguided people that if we pray hard enough Jesus will heal our depression and mental health challenges. In essence, we're told that if we are still struggling, we either don't believe or aren't praying hard enough. This… Continue reading Pray Away Depression?


Experiencing God’s Mercy

There are so many times I can look back on now, and see God's mercy and grace in our life. There are countless events that have taken place that we shouldn't have physically survived, let alone emotionally survived. Most of these events were direct results of terribly misguided choices and the insistence of doing things… Continue reading Experiencing God’s Mercy


Trauma Reactions and Jesus

Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com I love Jesus. I am fully devoted to Him, and yet I still struggle with the blame game. As people in my life hurt us, or we struggle with trauma reactions, we find ourselves questioning everything we believed to be fact, including Jesus' love. Is this fair? Probably not,… Continue reading Trauma Reactions and Jesus


When Old Patterns of Behavior No Longer Serve You

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com In therapy we are working through current thought processes and where they came from. What we are finding is that a lot of our current thought processes were once very necessary and important for survival. Not necessarily physical survival, but emotional survival. They kept us on our toes and… Continue reading When Old Patterns of Behavior No Longer Serve You

2020, dissociation, dissociative identity disorder, reflection, Sabrina, Uncategorized

Dissociative Identity Disorder and the Church

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Today I decided to google "multiple personalities and the church" as well as "dissociative identity disorder and the church". What I read there, while mostly articles 10+ years old, was truly disturbing. Most of the articles, spanning many different denominations, were of the opinion that D.I.D is actually demon possession… Continue reading Dissociative Identity Disorder and the Church