Power of God

This has been an amazingly tough year and we are ending it sick. There has been many moments where we contemplated being unalive. Many moments where we cried to Jesus begging Him to take us home. Many many late nights where death seemed imminent and welcome. This last week we've been moderately sick and ended… Continue reading Power of God


Pray Away Depression?

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Wait, what? Does this actually work? As a Christian we often hear from misguided people that if we pray hard enough Jesus will heal our depression and mental health challenges. In essence, we're told that if we are still struggling, we either don't believe or aren't praying hard enough. This… Continue reading Pray Away Depression?

2021, DID, dissociation, dissociative identity disorder, Processing

Wandering in Darkness

Tonight at our Celebrate Recovery meeting the speaker read a devotional in which the author was discussing being stuck in the dark void. The dark void, a place we've been wandering in for months now. In the piece the author mentioned people coming into the void to be with him/her. In that moment I thought… Continue reading Wandering in Darkness


When Prayer Doesn’t Feel Like Enough

"Experience teaches us that we do not always receive the blessings we ask for in prayer." Mary Baker Eddy We are struggling. Struggling in a way we haven't in many years. There's feelings of shame, guilt, regret, betrayal, hurt, and just overall massive amounts of pain and darkness. There are only 4 reasons to keep… Continue reading When Prayer Doesn’t Feel Like Enough

anxiety, DID, dissociative identity disorder, Rachel

How to Write When Writing Seems Impossible

How to Write When Writing Seems Impossible I had a big post planned for today. It involves split peas, baking soda, balloons, and other crafty type things. Only I never got there. And so far, none of us are getting there. Today is a struggle. It didn't start out that way. It started out with… Continue reading How to Write When Writing Seems Impossible

DID, dissociative identity disorder, Julie

How to Journal Through Depression

How to Journal Through Depression Get a journal of some type (online, offline, notebook, bound book, app, etc) Write There. Simple. Actually, it's not so simple. If it were that simple, we'd all feel much better already. Am I right? So the question becomes how do we journal through our depression? It's a question I… Continue reading How to Journal Through Depression