Power of God

This has been an amazingly tough year and we are ending it sick. There has been many moments where we contemplated being unalive. Many moments where we cried to Jesus begging Him to take us home. Many many late nights where death seemed imminent and welcome. This last week we've been moderately sick and ended… Continue reading Power of God

2020, dissociation, dissociative identity disorder, reflection, Sabrina, Uncategorized

Dissociative Identity Disorder and the Church

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Today I decided to google "multiple personalities and the church" as well as "dissociative identity disorder and the church". What I read there, while mostly articles 10+ years old, was truly disturbing. Most of the articles, spanning many different denominations, were of the opinion that D.I.D is actually demon possession… Continue reading Dissociative Identity Disorder and the Church

2018, Alayna, DID, dissociation, dissociative identity disorder


I long for the day that mental health and people who are less than perfect, people who struggle, people who are less than politically correct or don't exactly fit into polite society will finally be welcome in the church with kindness and understanding. Jesus never intended for churches to be just the polite society people. I know, we've been reading the bible. Jesus loved and reached out to those of us who will never be polite society material.

2016, Kaysie

The Role Family Acceptance Plays in Healing

Family Acceptance We have absolutely no biological family support when it comes to our mental health diagnoses. Not one member of our biological family, except maybe a cousin we lost contact with, accepts us as we are in our entirety. That lack of acceptance led us into a marriage where we thought we had found it,… Continue reading The Role Family Acceptance Plays in Healing