Family of God…

I am not the one to ask about healthy family dynamics or what a family unity should look like. None of my family experiences have been anything other than dysfunctional at best. So last week when my pastor discussed how as Christians we are all siblings in Christ, I internally winced. My initial thought was… Continue reading Family of God…

2018, DID, dissociative identity disorder, Maddie

Proud, Finally.

It's been a long time since we, any of us, could say that there was any reason to keep going in life. Just as short as three years ago we knew we were only alive to keep the kids safe. We had no purpose at all, and no reason to exist beyond the kids. While… Continue reading Proud, Finally.

2018, DID, dissociation, dissociative identity disorder, Maddie, Mia, Rachel

Inner Excavation: Learn to Thrive?

Inner Excavation is a book we found at Goodwill. Have I mentioned that Goodwill is our most favorite place to shop? No? Well, now you know, haha. The book is pretty awesome. It's all about exploring yourself through photography, writing, crafting, and mindfulness. Some of us have been following some of the exercises in the… Continue reading Inner Excavation: Learn to Thrive?

2018, Bella, DID, dissociation, dissociative identity disorder

Opening the Doors to Inside

I want to share. I want to share so badly. I just wrote and deleted an entire post because it was so clinical and impersonal. I basically wrote in general about a topic that has been touching us personally and I didn't include our situation in it at all. That's not what this space is… Continue reading Opening the Doors to Inside

2018, Alayna, DID, dissociation, dissociative identity disorder


I long for the day that mental health and people who are less than perfect, people who struggle, people who are less than politically correct or don't exactly fit into polite society will finally be welcome in the church with kindness and understanding. Jesus never intended for churches to be just the polite society people. I know, we've been reading the bible. Jesus loved and reached out to those of us who will never be polite society material.

2018, DID, dissociative identity disorder, Layna

What Makes You Happy?

I'm working on a list, a list that is turning out to be pretty frustrating. A list of what makes us happy. Now there are the basics of that list: our family, our fur-family, and friends, etc. That's not what this list is after. This list is supposed to be about what kind of activities… Continue reading What Makes You Happy?

2018, DID, dissociative identity disorder, Rachel

How to Find Balance: We Have NO Idea What We Are Doing

    This isn't going to be your typical "How To" post. We're not going to be able to tell you how to find balance in anything... yet. Yet. That's the key word here. We spend an hour a week with our two little sisters working as a group on things that bother us. The… Continue reading How to Find Balance: We Have NO Idea What We Are Doing

2018, DID, dissociative identity disorder, Rachel

Dancing with Chaos

"Tales Of Brilliant Chaos December 21, 2017 ·  It snowed a little. The snow brings back body memories and feelings just below the surface. Memories no one can quite see or know, yet we can feel them and taste them. The bingers want to eat them away. The purgers want to purge them out. The restricters… Continue reading Dancing with Chaos

2018, Alayna, cadie, DID, dissociative identity disorder

Open Doors: In or Out…

Open Doors Open doors. They can be a challenge. They can be obviously open and you know it's for you to enter. They can be obviously open, yet you know you just don't want to go there. Some doors are more subtle in their openness. They look like they could be open but it's not… Continue reading Open Doors: In or Out…

2018, Alayna, DID, dissociative identity disorder, Rachel, reflection

Becoming Superheroes

"When you've been fighting for it all your life You've been struggling to make things right That’s how a superhero learns to fly Every day, every hour, turn the pain into power" -Superheroes, The Script   Struggling to make things right pretty much sums up the last three years of our life. For a while,… Continue reading Becoming Superheroes