2018, Alayna, DID, dissociation, dissociative identity disorder, Maddie

Writing as a Method of Avoidance

Guys, I have a problem. A problem that many of us in this system share. A problem that we were slapped in the face with on Tuesday night at our CR step study. It turns out that we can write about our feelings, our traumas, our insecurities all day long. It is MUCH harder to… Continue reading Writing as a Method of Avoidance

2018, Bella, DID, dissociation, dissociative identity disorder

Opening the Doors to Inside

I want to share. I want to share so badly. I just wrote and deleted an entire post because it was so clinical and impersonal. I basically wrote in general about a topic that has been touching us personally and I didn't include our situation in it at all. That's not what this space is… Continue reading Opening the Doors to Inside