DID, dissociation, dissociative identity disorder, Sabrina

Wake Me When December Ends: a tale of emotion…

A Tale of Emotion There are no words to describe how very hard the month of December hit our family. December of 2016 came in much like every other month this year. There wasn't much happening out of the ordinary. Emotion and reactions were touchy due to different trauma memories over the years, but we… Continue reading Wake Me When December Ends: a tale of emotion…

children, DID, Uncategorized

Communication… (how not to ruin your children)

This body is 35 years old. Like seriously, not even joking. While the body meets "adult" criteria legally there's not a chance developmentally that we are there yet. We may never get there and that's perfectly fine by us, but looking back over our life we started comparing how life now compares to life as… Continue reading Communication… (how not to ruin your children)

cadie, DID

Our Tribe, Our People, Our Family

Family... pretty much everyone knows what family is, right? The people you have a blood connection to, that you can be traced back to, blah blah blah. You know, the ones on birth certificates and marriage certificates and the ones you're now related to because Aunt Jane married Bob the Builder so now you have Uncle… Continue reading Our Tribe, Our People, Our Family