Mental Health Awareness Month: How YOU Can Help

As someone who confronts mental health challenges everyday, this is a topic near and dear to my heart. And now it's May, so we all get the opportunity to learn and grow our understanding of how important mental health awareness truly is. If you've been reading or following us for any length of time, you… Continue reading Mental Health Awareness Month: How YOU Can Help

2019, dissociation, dissociative identity disorder, Kaysie

5 Things We’ve Learned in the last 4 months: Jumping back in

So the last 4 months have been complete radio silence. We go through those cycles, unfortunately. Somewhere along the line one of us decides that we're wasting everyone's time by writing things they read when they have much better things to do. Isn't that nice of us, to decide that for people we mostly don't… Continue reading 5 Things We’ve Learned in the last 4 months: Jumping back in

2018, Alayna, DID, dissociation, dissociative identity disorder, Erica, Rachel

Forgive Us Our Trespasses

(Content Summary for our readers who have trouble with religion as a topic. This post is mainly about religion and how it teaches us forgiveness. This is a big deal for us and while we'd like to share it with everyone, we acknowledge potential triggers.)   Lately, there's been a lot going on in our… Continue reading Forgive Us Our Trespasses